



Neutral Biodiversity Theory, Phylogeography and Phylogenomics of Temperate Forest Trees, Plant Reproductive Strategies, Growth Redundancy of Crops


1983, BSc, Mathematics, Jilin University, China.

1986, MSc, Ecology, Lanzhou University, China.

1990, PhD. Ecology, Lanzhou University, China.


Research Interests

My research works currently focus on the population genomics and phylogenetic analysis of temperate forest trees using a variety of molecular markers, including microsatellites and DNA sequences across whole genome. I also use the experimental evolution approach to study the genomic basis of organismal adaptation to novel environments.


Selected Publications

♦ Research Articles

1. Bai, WN*, P.-C. Yan, B.-W. Zhang, K. E. Woeste, K. Lin and Zhang D.Y.* (2018). Demographically idiosyncratic responses to climate change and rapid Pleistocene diversification of the walnut genus Juglans (Juglandaceae) revealed by whole-genome sequences. New Phytologist 217: 1726-1736.

2. Xi, N., Zhu BR and Zhang D.Y.* (2017). Contrasting grass nitrogen strategies reflect interspecific trade-offs between nitrogen acquisition and use in a semi-arid temperate grassland. Plant and Soil 418: 267-276.

3. Hao YQ, Zhao XF, and Zhang D.Y.* (2016). Field experimental evidence that stochastic processes predominate in the initial assembly of bacterial communities. Environmental Microbiology, 18: 1730-1739.

4. Bai WN*, Wang WT, and Zhang D.Y.* (2016). Phylogeographic breaks within Asian butternuts indicate the existence of a phytogeographic divide in East Asia. New Phytologist, 209: 1757-1772.

5. Zhou SR*, Peng ZC, and Zhang D.Y.* (2015). Dispersal Limitation Favors More Fecund Species in the Presence of Fitness-Equalizing Demographic Trade-Offs. American Naturalist, 185: 620-630.

6. Zeng YF*, Wang WT, Liao WJ, Wang HF, and Zhang D.Y.* (2015). Multiple glacial refugia for cool-temperate deciduous trees in northern East Asia: the Mongolian oak as a case study. Molecular Ecology, 24: 5676-5691.

7. Bai WN, and Zhang D.Y.* (2015). Small effective population size in microrefugia? Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 53: 163-165.

8. Zhang D.Y. (2014). Demographic model of admixture predicts symmetric introgression when a species expands into the range of another: A comment on Currat et al. (2008). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 52: 35-39.

9. Bai WN*, Wang WT, and Zhang D.Y.* (2014). Contrasts between the phylogeographic patterns of chloroplast and nuclear DNA highlight a role for pollen-mediated gene flow in preventing population divergence in an East Asian temperate tree. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 81: 37-48.


Contact Information

College of Life Sciences,

Beijing Normal University,

Beijing 100875,

P. R. China

Tel. : +86-10-58802994

E-mail: zhangdy@bnu.edu.cn