



Acoustic of birds, Conservation Biology


1989-1993, BSc, Beijing Normal University, China

1995-2001, Ph.D., Beijing Normal University, China

2005-2007, visiting scholar, University of Mainz, Germany

1993-present, Lecturer/Associate Prof./Prof., Beijing Normal University, China


Research Interests

1. The function and complexity of bird song

2. Population monitor on the basis of the vocalization

3. Conservational biology on threaten pheasant


Selected Publications

♦ Rresearch Articles

1. Chen G, Xia CW, Zhang YY*. 2020. Individual identification of birds with complex songs: The case of green-backed flycatchers Ficedula elisae. Behavioural Processes, 173: 104063.

2. Xia CW, Deng ZQ, Lloyd H, Møller AP, Zhao XM, Zhang YY*. 2019. The function of three main call types in common cuckoo. Ethology, 125:652–659.

3. Chen G, Xia CW, Dong L, Lyu N, Zhang YY*. 2019. Delayed plumage maturation in green-backed flycatchers (Ficedula elisae): An evidence of female mimicry. Ethology, 125:64–72.

4. Wei CT, Dong L*, Li SH, Liu Y, Xia CW, Yao CT, Alström P, Zhang YY*. 2019. From Himalayas to Continental Island: Integrative species delimitation in the Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler Horornis fortipes complex. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 131:219–227.

5. Xia CW, Lloyd H, Shi J, Wei CT, Zhang YY*. 2018. Dawn singing of the Brownish- flanked Bush Warbler influences dawn chorusing in a bird community. Ethology, 124(6): 400-409.


♦ Books/Chapters

1. Guangmei Zheng (chief editor). 2017. A checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of China (3rd edition) . Science Press, Beijing.

2. Guangmei Zheng (chief editor). 2015. Pheasants in China. Higher Education Press, Beijing. (One of the four deputy editors).


Contact Information

College of Life Sciences,

Beijing Normal University,

Beijing 100875,

P. R. China

Tel. : +86-10-58805399

E-mail: zhangyy@bnu.edu.cn