


Associate professor

Cancer cell biology


1999-2003, BSc, Tsinghua University, China

2003-2009, Ph.D., Tsinghua University, China

2009-2011, Postdoc., Tsinghua University, China

2011-2015, Assistant professor, Beijing Normal University, China

2015-present, Associate professor, Beijing Normal University, China


Research Interests

My laboratory is set to understand the molecular mechanisms controlling human diseases especially cancers. Current research projects in my laboratory include:  

1. Investigating roles of an E3 ligase CHIP in the tumorigenesis and progression

2. Clarifying the regulation mechanism of CHIP

3. Revealing the regulation of TGF-b and other signaling pathways in cancer cells


Selected Publications

♦ Research Articles

1. Shang Y#, He J, Wang Y, Feng Q, Zhang Y, Guo J, Li J, Li S, Wang Y, Yan G et al : CHIP/Stub1 regulates the Warburg effect by promoting degradation of PKM2 in ovarian carcinoma. Oncogene 2017, 36(29):4191-4200. (#Co-corresponding author)

2. Shang Y#, Zhao X, Tian B, Wang Y, Ren F, Jia B, Zhai Y, Chen W, He D, Chang Z: CHIP/Stub1 interacts with eIF5A and mediates its degradation. Cellular signalling 2014, 26(5):1098-1104. (#Co-corresponding author)

3. Shang Y, Xu X, Duan X, Guo J, Wang Y, Ren F, He D, Chang Z: Hsp70 and Hsp90 oppositely regulate TGF-beta signaling through CHIP/Stub1. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2014, 446(1):387-392.

4. Shang Y, Zhao X, Xu X, Xin H, Li X, Zhai Y, He D, Jia B, Chen W, Chang Z: CHIP functions an E3 ubiquitin ligase of Runx1. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2009, 386(1):242-246.

5. Li RF, Shang Y*, Liu D, Ren ZS, Chang Z, Sui SF: Differential ubiquitination of Smad1 mediated by CHIP: implications in the regulation of the bone morphogenetic protein signaling pathway. Journal of molecular biology 2007, 374(3):777-790. (*Co-first author)


Contact Information

College of Life Sciences,

Beijing Normal University,

Beijing 100875,

P. R. China

Tel. : +86-10-58809409

E-mail: shangyu@bnu.edu.cn