
Associate Professor
Selected Publications
♦ Research Articles
1. Yang, T., Li, W., Li, Y., Liu, X. and Yang, D.,The ESCRT System Plays an Important Role in the Germination in Candida albicans by Regulating the Expression of Hyphal-Specific Genes and the Localization of Polarity-Related Proteins. Mycopathologia, 185, 439-454, 2020
2. Xu, J., Xu, J., Ai, Y., Farid, R.A., Tong, L. and Yang, D., Mutational analysis and dynamics of S-limonene synthase reveal the importance of Y573: insight into the cyclization mechanism in monoterpene synthases. Arch Biochem Biophys, 638, 27-34, 2018
3. Xu, J., Ai, Y., Wang, J., Xu, J., Zhang, Y. and Yang, D., Converting S-limonene synthase to pinene and phellandrene synthases reveals the plasticity of the active site. Phytochemistry, 137, 34-41, 2017
4. Zhang, Y.,Li, W., Chu, M.,Chen, H.,Yu, H., Fang, C., Sun, N, Wang, Q., Luo, T., Luo, K., She, X., Zhang, M. and Yang, D., The AAA ATPase Vps4 plays important roles in Candida albicans hyphal formation and is inhibited by DBeQ. Mycopathologia, 181, 329-339, 2016
5. Qian, M-X., et al., Acetylation-Mediated Proteasomal Degradation of Core Histones during DNA Repair and Spermatogenesis.Cell,153,1012-1024, 2013
6. Yang, D. and Hurley, J. H., Structural role of the Vps4-Vta1 interface in the ESCRT-III recycling. Structure,18,976-984, 2010
7. Yang, D., Rismanchi, N., Renvois, B., Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Blackstone, C. and Hurley, J. H., Structural basis for midbody targeting of spastin by the ESCRT-III protein CHMP1B. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.,15, 1278-1286, 2008
Contact Information
College of Life Sciences,
Beijing Normal University,
Beijing 100875,
P. R. China
E-mail: yangdong@bnu.edu.cn